Who We Are?

North Architecture is an Architectural Design, Structural Engineering and Party Wall firm. NArch is a team of qualified, highly creative, experienced and dedicated architects, engineers, heritage specialists, interior designers and party wall surveyors based in London.

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What We Work?

Great design is at the heart of what we do. Our skilled designers work closely with you to produce architectural drawings that unlock your home’s potential. We then package these drawings up and handle the planning process on your behalf, giving you the best chance of first-time success.


Party Wall Surveying

Building Regulations

Structural Engineering

Planning Appeals

Interior Design

Landscape Architecture


Change Of Use

What We Work


Quisque at justo sagittis, semper lacus a, iaculis tellus usce

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Party Wall Surveying

Quisque at justo sagittis, semper lacus a, iaculis tellus usce

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Building Regulations

Quisque at justo sagittis, semper lacus a, iaculis tellus usce

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Structural Engineering

Quisque at justo sagittis, semper lacus a, iaculis tellus usce

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Planning Appeals

Quisque at justo sagittis, semper lacus a, iaculis tellus usce

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Interior Design

Quisque at justo sagittis, semper lacus a, iaculis tellus usce

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Landscape Architecture

Quisque at justo sagittis, semper lacus a, iaculis tellus usce

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Quisque at justo sagittis, semper lacus a, iaculis tellus usce

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Change Of Use

Quisque at justo sagittis, semper lacus a, iaculis tellus usce

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We believe in innovation, excellence and creative thinking, and we regard our clients as a part of our team.

Our mission is to strive for design excellence and provide exceptional client service. Whatever the project, big or small, bold or sensitive, we answer your brief without ever losing sight of your practical, budgetary or commercial needs or wants. NArch’s design philosophy is centered on the premise that design excellence should be reflected in each and every aspect of a building.

Work Process

We then package these drawings up and handle the planning process on your behalf, giving you the best chance of first-time success.

We Got The Tools

Certified Experience

Competitive Pricing

Work Guarantee

18 Years Experience

Great Support

Our Projects

Quisque at justo sagittis, semper lacus a, iaculis tellus. Fusce tempor, leo vel iaculi

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Customer Feedback

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I met with several architects who told me it would be impossible to get a first floor extension and divide my retail shop to use rear part as a seperate new office. North Architecture obtained the permission for our new office. They use different ways and methods for achieving the outcome. Our office is under construction at the moment. We are very grateful with their hard work and dedication. They have done all these services for us on no win no fee basis!

Mr. Mehmet

North Architecture obtained a planning permission for a new house to the side garden of our house. Using right firm can make you rich, choose Narch you will never regret. Ask my details from March team. I will be happy to explain about the whole experience.

Mr. Hidir

Choosing an architect is an important decision. North Architecture team got our permission for a new house through planning with no problems and as smoothly as we’d ever experienced. We highly recommend their services.

Mr. Patel

Let’s Start New Project

Contact Us

We believe in innovation, excellence and creative thinking, and we regard our clients as a part of our team.

  • Narch-Design & Build
    North Architecture
  • 4th Floor Hamilton House Mabledon Place Kings Cros – London WC1H 9BB

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