Party Wall Surveying


What is a party wall?

We specialise in Party Wall matters and not only serve Party Wall Notices upon behalf of our clients, we also undertake comprehensive Schedule of Condition Reports and legally agree Party Wall Awards, which are commonly referred to as Party Wall Agreements.

The Party Wall Act is an important piece of legislation, providing a framework for preventing and resolving disputes in relation to party walls, boundary walls and excavations near neighbouring buildings.

We ensure the party wall process is easy and straightforward, with no hidden costs to you. Party Wall Services provide expert party wall advice for all party wall matters. We have experience and expertise in a diverse range of party wall issues and can help you in connection with a diverse range of projects, from domestic extensions, to large commercial developments.

We are accredited members of the Faculty of Party Wall Surveyors (FWPS). We therefore work to the highest standards and you can be rest assured of the best party wall advice from a UK firm of leading party wall surveyors.

For initial consultation with a party wall surveyor or to get the party wall process underway immediately, call us now, on 07400166788.


If you’re a building owner that is about to start building works to your property, it is highly likely that the law may require you to serve a Party Wall Notice on one or all of your neighbours in advance of those works. A Party Wall Notice needs to be served on adjoining owners if:

  • You are proposing to build on or near the line of junction (boundary line),
  • You are planning to carry out works to an existing party wall, party fence wall or party structure,
  • You are planning to excavate foundations within 3m of a neighbouring property at greater depths than that properties foundations. Or you are planning to excavate foundations within 6m of a neighbouring property at a greater depth than that properties foundations. In the later case, these new foundations would also need to be at a 45 degree downward plane from the adjoining owner’s foundations.

If a dispute arises, you can appoint us as your Party Wall Surveyor. Services include

  • Appointed surveyor,
  • Agreed surveyor, 
  • Party Wall Awards,
  • Schedule of Conditions.

We are experts in this field and can quickly and legally serve the correct notices on your behalf, usually within 24 hours of your instruction. Get in touch today to ensure you comply, remember its the law.

All of our Building Owner Party Wall Surveyor fees & Agreed Party Wall Surveyor fees are always fixed and never include any hidden extras.


Are you an adjoining owner that has received a Party Wall Notice from a neighbouring property? Are you unhappy with the proposed works and unsure how to proceed to safeguard your property? The Party Wall etc. Act 1996 was put in place to safeguard adjoining owner’s properties and resolve disputes relating to these kind of works.

PLEASE NOTE THAT the building owner having the works carried out will be required to pay all surveyors fees in relation to the matter. Contact us today and let’s work together to safeguard your property.


In an effort to assist the general public we have set up a free Party Wall advice service.

Here at NArch we understand that Party Wall matters can often be confusing. With multiple information publicly available, a simple question can often render multiple different answers. If you have a Party Wall matter and would like free, impartial and no strings attached advice, give our team a call now and we will be happy to assist you.


  • Face to Face Discussion
  • 30 Minute Telephone Discussion
  • Drawing, Photograph and Evidence Review






The Party Wall Etc Act 1996 makes provision for dealing with works that are likely to affect Party Walls and has been extended to include excavations within close proximity to neighbouring structures. The Act is intended to enable works to proceed reasonably and considerately. It is a complex legal document that should be considered whenever works are proposed to party walls or within close proximity to any structure. 

Generally the Party Wall Etc Act 1996 should be considered if any of the following works are being undertaken and there are adjoining or neighbouring properties in close vicinity to the proposals:

  • Loft Conversion
  • Extensions
  • Re-roofing
  • Underpinning
  • Excavations for investigation, drainage or substructure works
  • Alterations and internal refurbishment to adjoining structures

The Party Wall etc. Act 1996 requires Building Owners to serve Notices on their neighbours when:

  • Building on or up to a boundary line;
  • Carrying out works to a wall or structure built on the boundary line;
  • Excavating in close proximity to the neighbour’s property.

The Party Wall Act sets down the rights & duties of owners undertaking such works and provides protection to the Adjoining Owners.

The Party Wall Surveyor’s duty is to examine the proposed works, ensure that they are properly designed and are executed in a manner which is not likely to cause damage to adjoining buildings or property.

In the unlikely event damage does occur, the party wall surveyors can award damages so the adjoining owners property is protected.

For more information on how the Party Wall Act affects you talk to one of our expert Surveyors.

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